For over 40 years, students across Canada have been getting active and fundraising in support of Heart & Stroke.
With Jump Rope for Heart, students will discover EASY ways to reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke later in life and help raise life-saving funds for heart and brain research.
Every year, participating schools will host a Jump Event Day where students will show off what they've learned and celebrate their school's fundraising efforts.
Did you know building healthy habits today helps reduce kids’ risk of heart disease and stroke later in life? Jump teaches students the EASY Healthy Habits to help protect their heart and brain health – for life!
Money that students raise supports critical research that will save lives and support families and children who have been impacted by heart disease and stroke, like Julian.
Schools that fundraise a minimum of $1,000 will receive 5% of their fundraising revenue back with the option to redeem funds in cash, on a Wintergreen gift card, or donate back to Heart & Stroke.
Let's jump, together! Build excitement by sharing updates on your personal and/or school social media networks leading up to your event. Tag #JumpRopeforHeart for your chance to be showcased here:
We collect your personal information as part of your involvement in Jump Rope for Heart. We may maintain a record and share details of your interaction and contact information to run Jump Rope for Heart and for donor-related, promotion, follow-up, administration of prizes and tax receipting purposes, where required. Please see for more information. Occasionally, we may contact you with mission-related or program related communications. If you wish no further contact or have any questions or concerns regarding the privacy of your personal information, please contact the Privacy Officer at 1-888-HSF-INFO (473-4636) or
As per responsibilities set out in the Alberta Charitable Fund-Raising Act, please visit this page for information on fundraising campaign revenue and costs in that province.
™ The Jump Rope for Heart and the heart and / Icon on its own and the heart and / Icon followed by another icon or words are trademarks of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
© 2024 Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. All rights reserved.
Charitable number 106846942RR0001